Fairness Matters
We believe we are at a pivotal time in our history, and we must act now to find a way through this crisis and work to improve civic engagement! Moreover, encouraging engagement and participation is ultimately good for business! America should be a place where hard work, better solutions and good people thrive. If we want to move forward as a country... as a people... and remain the #1 economy in global innovation, ingenuity, and real results, we need to find better ways to disagree and more ways to work together, side by side.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot that is conspiring against us. The internet and social media have undermined our ability to engage constructively. But it’s more than that.
By Subscribing you’ll come to learn as you dig in that the closed primary system and plurality voting have had a perverse impact on the results we’re getting. As a result, in order to win, candidates must appeal to the party faithful who vote in primaries and who tend to be ideologically extreme. As a result of the party's control over the process, Lawmakers are left with very limited reasons to appeal to the broad electorate, no cause to collaborate and every reason to position themselves as party purists at war with each other. Our current electoral system has been engineered by party insiders to create these divisive results.
Today, our political system has become the major barrier to solving nearly every important challenge our nation needs to address.
We are convinced that we can break the cycle, to move beyond the status quo, and can champion the voices of those who've been left out of the partisan conversation in the name of fairness and proportional representation. A distinct lack of competitiveness, the hallmark of a free-market economy is absent from the politics industry. As a result, in partisan primaries, a small minority of voters decide the vast majority of congressional elections — fueling political polarization and preventing problem-solving. How can we call ourselves a functioning democracy when 30 million Americans are locked out of those primary elections? It affects each and every one of us whether you consider yourself a Democrat, a Republican or an Independent (like me)!
It wasn’t always this way. America’s political system was once upon a time the envy of the world! It advanced public interest and gave rise to a grand history of policy innovations that fostered both economic and social progress.
I firmly believe that the best way to make a difference, is for each of us to come together and help support and facilitate some incredible organizations that are dedicated to instilling fairness into our election process and thereby ensure proportionate representation is at the heart of our electoral process.
If you’re passionate about the state of affairs in our country, I welcome your engagement.
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